Friday 24 April 2015

It's Time to Come Home...

There is a palace above the earth,
At a place where no one resides.
It’s the place where our souls  wander,
When they can’t sleep at night.

That palace is magnificent,
With beautiful gardens and fountains and trees.
It has a big chandelier,
Of everyone’s hopes, wishes and dreams.

It is floating above our heads on a cloud,
Not attached to a string anybody can cut.
Everyone is welcome into that palace,
Alas! Very few people dare to break their rut.

All of us were there when the palace was formed,
It had a very strong foundation.
The palace is made of love,
Of hope, of faith and of compassion.

But most of us have forgotten,
the way to that place.
It’s time to remember the way...
It’s time to come home now.

Upside down???

The drapes never shut
The night never ends
The demon awakens
To look for his friends.

Nobody is around
To quench his thirst
Not even his friends
Or someone he trusts.

The demon wants nothing
Except for some answers
But nobody is around,
To give him some pointers.

Angels have been lulled
Into a bliss of ignorance.
Now its upto the demons
To save the constance.

You must be wondering
How could the demons save us
But it’s the truth
Coz only they know who they are

We don’t need saving
From the demons inside
We need saving
From the rules we abide.

The rules make us forget
 Who we are
Make us feel scared
And tear us apart.

Its time now
For some soul searching
And find out what you love
And just go for that thing.

And the World is better...

The world isn't such a stifling place to live
With all the good and the bad
The world isn't such a lonely place
Even if right now, I am feeling sad.

There is right and wrong and dark and white
Some gray areas too
I have been through some pretty rough times
But never have I not thought of you.

You are there when I sleep, when I wake up again
the feeling always stays
I feel you even when I don't want
You are the one who takes my breath away.

The world isn't such a lonely place
With you in it, it is better.
I will fight for you, even when you're gone
You know, I am not a quitter.

There are demons inside me too
They make me scared and weak
I fear I might turn into someone
Whose love is small and timid

But with you the fear is gone
The demons dance to the tune of love
What if you are not here right now
The memories make the world better.

Tuesday 21 April 2015


When you see your world crumbling down
when the only hope you had fades away
when you don't want to even look at yourself
Because you know you are going to fail.

When you feel so helpless and so alone
That you smile just for the sake of it
When your heart is broken and unloved
That you feel so much pain is not worth it.

When you feel what I have felt
Unable to sleep and clear my head
When life seems so difficult without any reason
that you can't even get out of bed.

All reasons and logics fall down
The love that you craved, goes out of sight
The life you had imagined seems impossible 
Faced with the harsh reality, you can't fight.

But then, an angel comes in
Loves you for who you are and never gives in
The angel is strong, protective and warm
With her, all your worries are gone.

The angel comes and goes,
Leaving you puzzled, and asking for more
If you want the angel to stay forever
Open your eyes and look in the mirror.

Thursday 16 April 2015

I was lost......
Not because I didn't know where I was going,
But because I didn't know why.
I didn't know what life was all about.
And ignorance is misery for some minds.
I stumbled, sometimes fell, then got up again.
Desperate to find some answers.
I didn't even know the answers were within me
and that I would have to forget myself to find them.
I realized that the mind is a wonderful tool
but sometimes it tames you,
makes you kneel down and accept your defeat.
But what if you forget that you have a mind.
What if you forget yourself
Then you become free, absolutely free
you forget the misery, the Murphy's law
you become the law, you become the rules
You become everything, but the mind
you become what you are supposed to be
not what they tell you to be.