Thursday 16 April 2015

I was lost......
Not because I didn't know where I was going,
But because I didn't know why.
I didn't know what life was all about.
And ignorance is misery for some minds.
I stumbled, sometimes fell, then got up again.
Desperate to find some answers.
I didn't even know the answers were within me
and that I would have to forget myself to find them.
I realized that the mind is a wonderful tool
but sometimes it tames you,
makes you kneel down and accept your defeat.
But what if you forget that you have a mind.
What if you forget yourself
Then you become free, absolutely free
you forget the misery, the Murphy's law
you become the law, you become the rules
You become everything, but the mind
you become what you are supposed to be
not what they tell you to be.

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