Friday 24 April 2015

And the World is better...

The world isn't such a stifling place to live
With all the good and the bad
The world isn't such a lonely place
Even if right now, I am feeling sad.

There is right and wrong and dark and white
Some gray areas too
I have been through some pretty rough times
But never have I not thought of you.

You are there when I sleep, when I wake up again
the feeling always stays
I feel you even when I don't want
You are the one who takes my breath away.

The world isn't such a lonely place
With you in it, it is better.
I will fight for you, even when you're gone
You know, I am not a quitter.

There are demons inside me too
They make me scared and weak
I fear I might turn into someone
Whose love is small and timid

But with you the fear is gone
The demons dance to the tune of love
What if you are not here right now
The memories make the world better.

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