Saturday 27 August 2016

Loss is just an illusion

There is no such thing as Loss. If we analyze a situation more closely,  we will see that it will always lead to some gain. If we lose a dear one, we gain strength to move on. If we lose in our careers, we learn about some mistakes that we did. If we lose some ability, we find new ways to do the same stuff differently.

Life is all about gaining. Once you are here, in this world, you only gain. Now you must be thinking, she is just an idealist who likes to paint a happy picture of life because she has never had to deal with loss.

But believe me, I have lost people close to me, I have been fighting depression since three years, and I still am going through a tough time emotionally. I have known loss, and it has become a friend. I have seen great academic success and great academic failure in my adolescence. But the one thing I realized every time was, I learned more when I was going through a tough time. I pushed myself more and I emerged more beautiful than ever when life got tough on me.

I think a lot, and I have this need to document my every thought because it helps me see where I am heading towards. Your current thoughts are a reflection of your future life. To correct the course of your life, just correct your thoughts. It's as simple as that. All I am trying to say is, the situations that life throws at you, matter less and how you think about them matters more.

I am not saying don't grieve losses, but realize that they are a blessing in disguise and you are going to get through it and be stronger that ever. And always remember, it's who you are that matters in the end, so be the best possible version of yourself.

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