Saturday 27 August 2016

A lazy Saturday Afternoon and a turbulent mind

Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed by a single emotion that life seems pointless and difficult. The event that triggered that emotion, takes over your mind and body for that time and you feel that there is nothing else to life. I have seen my friends, obsessing over a relationship, pining over some friend's betrayal or worse, having self-destructive tendencies because their love was not reciprocated. 

All these situations have a single thing in common - The inability to shift our mind to see the bigger picture. Their minds were so engaged in that single event, trying to figure out what went wrong, whose mistake it was, are they a bad person etc etc, that they neglect other things.

All of us, at least those who are on internet and viewing this right now, I am sure, are blessed with beautiful things in life. Then why some of us, despite being so privileged, are not able to feel so. It's because we are not looking in the right place. We have a tendency to go after things that seem shiny and that are placed on some pedestal, things that seem special because no one has them, things that are not meant for us. We fail to recognize that the best things in life are very simple, as simple as cooking on a Sunday morning, having brunch with friends, saying I love you to your mother, talking about philosophy to your father, giving a small compliment to your colleague. It's important to appreciate these small things in life and then only we can focus on our dreams and goals. If we keep running, if we don't have peace of mind, then how can we expect to fulfill our aspirations.

Friends is one series that continues to surprise me and I keep learning from it.
I was watching an episode - The one with George Stephanopolis. In the ending of the episode, Rachel looks at her friends and tells the credit card guy, "I don't need credit card, I have magic beans".We just need to realize we have magic beans too. ;)

Our misery ends when we can say to ourselves that "just because one thing did not work out, it cannot stop me from having that life I had always imagined for myself. I am blessed and there is something special planned for me. My life is full of abundance and I am here to make this world a better place".

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